Growing Together: Empowering Jewish Professionals

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Lessons in Transformational Leadership from Seth Kaufman of LVMH

October 15, 20242 min read

As the CEO of LVMH's prestigious wine and spirits division, Seth Kaufman has navigated his organization through unprecedented challenges while cultivating a culture of innovation and long-term thinking. In a candid conversation, Kaufman shared invaluable insights on the hallmarks of visionary leadership, weaving together a tapestry of strategic wisdom and inspirational quotes.

At the heart of Kaufman's leadership philosophy is a framework that he described as "setting the agenda, taking others with you, and doing it the right way." This multifaceted approach underscores the importance of having a clear vision, rallying others to support it, and upholding integrity throughout the process. Earning trust is an ongoing endeavor for Kaufman, who believes that it is never truly "finished being earned." 

As he stated, "I don't think trust is ever finished being earned. So I try to earn it from the employee base every day." 

Embracing failure as a pathway to growth is another hallmark of Kaufman's leadership approach. Reflecting on a significant misstep early in his career, he shared a crucial lesson: 

"Insight is important, but trust your gut too, and especially on big decisions, you can't get distracted too much by what all the data says."

By openly discussing his failures, Kaufman has cultivated a culture where risk-taking and learning are celebrated. Acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the modern business landscape, Kaufman emphasized the importance of maintaining strategic agility. 

"Strategies have to be a little bit like wet clay in that, you know, you you have a vision, and you've got the planks that are going to lead you there, but then you have to remain agile to be able to adjust to things in real time," he said, underscoring the need for leaders to be nimble and responsive.

Seth Kaufman's views are a lesson in visionary leadership, combining strategic insight, cultural transformation, and a dedication to sustainability. Kaufman has established LVMH as a beacon of excellence in the luxury sector by establishing trust, accepting failure, remaining agile, and balancing short-term and long-term priorities. His statements serve as a compelling reminder that genuine leadership is about creating a long-term, adaptive, and purpose-driven organization.

The event was one of many organized by YJP, a nonprofit dedicated to creating and promoting targeted business and educational opportunities for New York City's Jewish business community. The organization is co-founded by Shaya Lesches, who continues to drive YJP's mission. You can learn more about Shaya Lesches and his work at

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